Ultimate IELTS Podcasts S02E07 by IELTSDaily
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تاریخ انتشار: 1395-05-23
Ultimate IELTS Podcasts S02E07 by IELTSDaily

Parisa brings you two idioms in her spotlight.

Alireza asks Noushin to talk about an instance when she was stuck in traffic in Tehran. Listen to her perfect answer. Do you know what “bumper-to-bumper situation” is? listen to her and learn a bunch of new words and expressions.

Listen to an expert from British Council talking about how to learn vocabulary. It is a priceless section you should never miss.

Schima hasn’t forgotten you. Join her to learn a lot of good words and collocations you can use to answer questions about traffic. Instead of reviewing a book, this time Schima reviews National Geographic magazine and what you can get from this superb magazine and its website to boost your IELTS bandscore. You can go to majaleha website to get all these worthwhile magazines for a nominal fee.

Koosha deals with common mistakes in terms of comparisons: in comparison with or compared to, comparatives and superlatives, which one should you use?

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