Fronting: A Fantastic Structure to Improve GRA

Fronting: A Fantastic Structure to Improve GRA

یکی از روش‌های بالا بردن دامنه ساختارهای دستوری برای بهبود GRA  استفاده از ساختار Fronting هست.

در این مقاله می‌خواهیم با چند روش بسیار خوب برای استفاده از این ساختارآشنا بشیم.

به این فرمول توجه کنین:

such/so/also + adjective + be

این فرمول وقتی استفاده می‌شه که شما قبلا نکته‌ای رو مطرح کردین و حالا می‌خواین اطلاعات تکمیلی در موردش بدین. معنیش هم می‌شه:

انقدر این موضوع …. که ….

Some governments advocate the use of renewable energies at all costs. Such an outstanding strategy is this that they allocate sizable budgets to it every year.

یادتون باشه کهthis  در اینجا به advocating the use of renewable energies بر می‌گردد. این ساختار کمی سخته بنابر‌این حتما قبل از استفاده از اون چند بار در تصحیح برگه‌هاتون ازش استفاده کنین تا مطمئن بشین که درست می‌تونین ازش استفاده کنین.

به یک مثال دیگه توجه کنید:

Poverty in Freedonia is on the rise and new polls show that almost a third of the nation leave in abject poverty. So shocking are these figures that authorities have started relief programs in many parts of the country and have asked for international aid.

فرمول بعدی به این صورت هست:

object/complement of sentence or clause in subject position


به این مثال توجه کنید:

The students are outraged.

Outraged the students may be, but without a unanimous initiative, their voice will not be heard.


همچنین می‌توانیم از روش زیر استفاده کنیم:


comparative/superlative + be + subject

The age teenagers have started smoking has reached an all-time low of 14 in Iran. Much more shocking, though, is the ease with which these teenagers are able to obtain cigarettes.


و آخرین روش نیز به شرح زیر است:

adverbial phrase of position/movement + be + subject

The demand for mobile phones has tripled in the last five years. Standing behind this rise in demands are people raised in a consumerist culture.



Exercise (Source: improve your Skills Writing for IELTS 6-7.5)

Make the following sentences emphatic by ‘fronting’ them using the patterns above.


  1. The amount of time spent at work is so high that people often suffer from stress-related illnesses.
  2. The manager, who was standing at the front of the meeting, announced some redundancies.
  3. Employees are so satisfied with the opportunities to progress in the business that they don’t leave the company.
  4. The job might be badly paid but it provides a high level of job satisfaction.
تاریخ انتشار: 1400-11-07
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